Query Metrics
Database Queries
Different statements
29.32 ms
Query time
Invalid entities
Grouped Statements
Time▼ | Count | Info |
10.83 ms (36.94%) |
1 |
SELECT n0_.id AS id_0, n0_.created_at AS created_at_1, n0_.creator AS creator_2, n0_.name AS name_3, n0_.description AS description_4, n0_.image_url AS image_url_5, n0_.wear AS wear_6, n0_.score AS score_7, n0_.grade AS grade_8, n0_.mint AS mint_9, n0_.stat_square AS stat_square_10, n0_.stat_circle AS stat_circle_11, n0_.stat_diamond AS stat_diamond_12, n0_.stat_triangle AS stat_triangle_13, n0_.stat_rectangle AS stat_rectangle_14, n0_.stat_star AS stat_star_15, n0_.stat_heart AS stat_heart_16, n0_.stat_octagon AS stat_octagon_17, n0_.weight AS weight_18, t1_.id AS id_19, t1_.is_catchable AS is_catchable_20, t1_.name AS name_21, t1_.description AS description_22, t1_.image_url AS image_url_23, t1_.tier AS tier_24, t1_.min_stat AS min_stat_25, t1_.max_stat AS max_stat_26, t1_.min_weight AS min_weight_27, t1_.max_weight AS max_weight_28, t1_.aux_data AS aux_data_29, t1_.buy_price AS buy_price_30, t1_.shop_inventory AS shop_inventory_31, t1_.release_at AS release_at_32, t1_.max_editions AS max_editions_33, t1_.lootable AS lootable_34, g2_.id AS id_35, g2_.name AS name_36, t3_.id AS id_37, t3_.name AS name_38, n4_.id AS id_39, n4_.ipfs_url AS ipfs_url_40, n4_.price AS price_41, n4_.is_minted AS is_minted_42, n4_.signature AS signature_43, n4_.is_confirmed AS is_confirmed_44, n4_.script_mint AS script_mint_45, m5_.id AS id_46, m5_.offer_id AS offer_id_47, m5_.price AS price_48, m5_.is_accepted AS is_accepted_49, m5_.is_canceled AS is_canceled_50, m5_.created_at AS created_at_51, m5_.updated_at AS updated_at_52, m5_.notification_read AS notification_read_53, m5_.seller_payout AS seller_payout_54, m5_.fee AS fee_55, m5_.tx AS tx_56, m6_.id AS id_57, m6_.item_id AS item_id_58, m6_.price AS price_59, m6_.is_sold AS is_sold_60, m6_.is_canceled AS is_canceled_61, m6_.created_at AS created_at_62, m6_.updated_at AS updated_at_63, m6_.notification_read AS notification_read_64, m6_.seller_payout AS seller_payout_65, m6_.fee AS fee_66, m6_.tx AS tx_67, n7_.id AS id_68, n7_.progress AS progress_69, n7_.goal AS goal_70, n7_.stat_square_mod AS stat_square_mod_71, n7_.stat_circle_mod AS stat_circle_mod_72, n7_.stat_diamond_mod AS stat_diamond_mod_73, n7_.stat_triangle_mod AS stat_triangle_mod_74, n7_.stat_rectangle_mod AS stat_rectangle_mod_75, n7_.stat_star_mod AS stat_star_mod_76, n7_.stat_heart_mod AS stat_heart_mod_77, n7_.stat_octagon_mod AS stat_octagon_mod_78, t8_.id AS id_79, t8_.address AS address_80, t8_.is_approved_for_all_market AS is_approved_for_all_market_81, t8_.is_approved_for_all_market2 AS is_approved_for_all_market2_82, t8_.is_approved_for_all_market_crate AS is_approved_for_all_market_crate_83, u9_.id AS id_84, u9_.email AS email_85, u9_.roles AS roles_86, u9_.password AS password_87, u9_.game_token AS game_token_88, u9_.wallet AS wallet_89, u9_.google_id AS google_id_90, u9_.username AS username_91, u9_.wallet_extension AS wallet_extension_92, u9_.config AS config_93, u9_.last_recipe_hint AS last_recipe_hint_94, u9_.experience AS experience_95, u9_.shadow_ban_until AS shadow_ban_until_96, u9_.shinies AS shinies_97, u9_.game_token2 AS game_token2_98, n0_.nft_collection_id AS nft_collection_id_99, n0_.template_id AS template_id_100, n0_.nft_metadata_quest_id AS nft_metadata_quest_id_101, n0_.school_of_magic_id AS school_of_magic_id_102, t1_.genus_id AS genus_id_103, t1_.category_id AS category_id_104, t1_.recipe_id AS recipe_id_105, t1_.nft_game_id AS nft_game_id_106, t1_.non_nft_game_id AS non_nft_game_id_107, n4_.nft_contract_id AS nft_contract_id_108, n4_.nft_metadata_id AS nft_metadata_id_109, n4_.theta_wallet_id AS theta_wallet_id_110, n4_.crate_action_log_id AS crate_action_log_id_111, n4_.parent_id AS parent_id_112, m5_.nft_contract_id AS nft_contract_id_113, m5_.market_contract_id AS market_contract_id_114, m5_.nft_hub_id AS nft_hub_id_115, m5_.bidder_id AS bidder_id_116, m5_.seller_id AS seller_id_117, m6_.nft_contract_id AS nft_contract_id_118, m6_.market_contract_id AS market_contract_id_119, m6_.buyer_id AS buyer_id_120, m6_.seller_id AS seller_id_121, m6_.nft_hub_id AS nft_hub_id_122, n7_.quest_id AS quest_id_123, u9_.active_wallet_id AS active_wallet_id_124, u9_.catchable_queue_id AS catchable_queue_id_125, u9_.act_progression_id AS act_progression_id_126, u9_.theta_drop_wallet_id AS theta_drop_wallet_id_127 FROM nft_metadata n0_ LEFT JOIN template t1_ ON n0_.template_id = t1_.id LEFT JOIN game g2_ ON t1_.nft_game_id = g2_.id LEFT JOIN template_category t3_ ON t1_.category_id = t3_.id LEFT JOIN template_genus t10_ ON (t1_.genus_id = t10_.id) LEFT JOIN nft_hub n4_ ON n0_.id = n4_.nft_metadata_id LEFT JOIN market_offer m5_ ON n4_.id = m5_.nft_hub_id LEFT JOIN market_item m6_ ON n4_.id = m6_.nft_hub_id LEFT JOIN nft_metadata_quest n7_ ON n0_.nft_metadata_quest_id = n7_.id LEFT JOIN theta_wallet t8_ ON n4_.theta_wallet_id = t8_.id LEFT JOIN user u9_ ON t8_.id = u9_.active_wallet_id WHERE u9_.id = ? AND t10_.name IN (?, ?, ?, ?) AND n4_.is_minted = 1 AND g2_.id IN (1, ?) AND (n0_.id NOT IN (SELECT n11_.id FROM nft_metadata n11_ LEFT JOIN nft_hub n12_ ON (n12_.nft_metadata_id = n11_.id) LEFT JOIN theta_wallet t13_ ON (n12_.theta_wallet_id = t13_.id) LEFT JOIN market_item m14_ ON (m14_.nft_hub_id = n12_.id) LEFT JOIN user u15_ ON (u15_.active_wallet_id = t13_.id) WHERE u15_.active_wallet_id = t13_.id AND m14_.is_sold = 0)) ORDER BY n0_.created_at DESC
[ 169 "fish" "equipment" "chest" "promotional" 1 ] |
4.11 ms (14.01%) |
7 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.ipfs_url AS ipfs_url_2, t0.price AS price_3, t0.is_minted AS is_minted_4, t0.signature AS signature_5, t0.is_confirmed AS is_confirmed_6, t0.script_mint AS script_mint_7, t0.nft_contract_id AS nft_contract_id_8, t0.nft_metadata_id AS nft_metadata_id_9, t0.theta_wallet_id AS theta_wallet_id_10, t0.crate_action_log_id AS crate_action_log_id_11, t0.parent_id AS parent_id_12 FROM nft_hub t0 WHERE t0.nft_metadata_id = ?
3.99 ms (13.61%) |
7 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.is_catchable AS is_catchable_2, t0.name AS name_3, t0.description AS description_4, t0.image_url AS image_url_5, t0.tier AS tier_6, t0.min_stat AS min_stat_7, t0.max_stat AS max_stat_8, t0.min_weight AS min_weight_9, t0.max_weight AS max_weight_10, t0.aux_data AS aux_data_11, t0.buy_price AS buy_price_12, t0.shop_inventory AS shop_inventory_13, t0.release_at AS release_at_14, t0.max_editions AS max_editions_15, t0.lootable AS lootable_16, t0.genus_id AS genus_id_17, t0.category_id AS category_id_18, t0.recipe_id AS recipe_id_19, t0.nft_game_id AS nft_game_id_20, t0.non_nft_game_id AS non_nft_game_id_21 FROM template t0 WHERE t0.id IN (?)
3.42 ms (11.66%) |
7 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.progress AS progress_2, t0.goal AS goal_3, t0.stat_square_mod AS stat_square_mod_4, t0.stat_circle_mod AS stat_circle_mod_5, t0.stat_diamond_mod AS stat_diamond_mod_6, t0.stat_triangle_mod AS stat_triangle_mod_7, t0.stat_rectangle_mod AS stat_rectangle_mod_8, t0.stat_star_mod AS stat_star_mod_9, t0.stat_heart_mod AS stat_heart_mod_10, t0.stat_octagon_mod AS stat_octagon_mod_11, t0.quest_id AS quest_id_12 FROM nft_metadata_quest t0 WHERE t0.id IN (?)
1.04 ms (3.54%) |
1 |
SELECT m0_.id AS id_0, m0_.item_id AS item_id_1, m0_.price AS price_2, m0_.is_sold AS is_sold_3, m0_.is_canceled AS is_canceled_4, m0_.created_at AS created_at_5, m0_.updated_at AS updated_at_6, m0_.notification_read AS notification_read_7, m0_.seller_payout AS seller_payout_8, m0_.fee AS fee_9, m0_.tx AS tx_10, m0_.nft_contract_id AS nft_contract_id_11, m0_.market_contract_id AS market_contract_id_12, m0_.buyer_id AS buyer_id_13, m0_.seller_id AS seller_id_14, m0_.nft_hub_id AS nft_hub_id_15 FROM market_item m0_ LEFT JOIN theta_wallet t1_ ON (m0_.buyer_id = t1_.id) LEFT JOIN user u2_ ON (u2_.active_wallet_id = t1_.id) WHERE u2_.id = ? AND m0_.buyer_id = t1_.id AND m0_.is_sold = 1 AND m0_.price > 0 ORDER BY m0_.updated_at DESC
1.00 ms (3.42%) |
1 |
SELECT SUM(u0_.caught_qty) AS sclr_0, SUM(u0_.salvage_qty) AS sclr_1, SUM(u0_.convert_nft_qty) AS sclr_2, SUM(u0_.craft_qty) AS sclr_3 FROM user_record u0_ WHERE u0_.user_id = ? GROUP BY u0_.user_id
1.00 ms (3.40%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.series AS series_3, t0.image_url AS image_url_4, t0.created_date AS created_date_5, t0.background_folder AS background_folder_6, t0.border_folder AS border_folder_7 FROM nft_collection t0 WHERE t0.id IN (?, ?)
[ 4 1 ] |
0.90 ms (3.08%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.user_id AS user_id_1, t0.template_category_id AS template_category_id_2, t0.inventory_equipment_id AS inventory_equipment_id_3, t0.nft_metadata_id AS nft_metadata_id_4, t5.id AS id_6, t5.created_at AS created_at_7, t5.creator AS creator_8, t5.name AS name_9, t5.description AS description_10, t5.image_url AS image_url_11, t5.wear AS wear_12, t5.score AS score_13, t5.grade AS grade_14, t5.mint AS mint_15, t5.stat_square AS stat_square_16, t5.stat_circle AS stat_circle_17, t5.stat_diamond AS stat_diamond_18, t5.stat_triangle AS stat_triangle_19, t5.stat_rectangle AS stat_rectangle_20, t5.stat_star AS stat_star_21, t5.stat_heart AS stat_heart_22, t5.stat_octagon AS stat_octagon_23, t5.weight AS weight_24, t5.nft_collection_id AS nft_collection_id_25, t5.template_id AS template_id_26, t5.nft_metadata_quest_id AS nft_metadata_quest_id_27, t5.school_of_magic_id AS school_of_magic_id_28 FROM user_gear t0 LEFT JOIN nft_metadata t5 ON t0.nft_metadata_id = t5.id WHERE t0.user_id = ?
0.81 ms (2.77%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.email AS email_2, t0.roles AS roles_3, t0.password AS password_4, t0.game_token AS game_token_5, t0.wallet AS wallet_6, t0.google_id AS google_id_7, t0.username AS username_8, t0.wallet_extension AS wallet_extension_9, t0.config AS config_10, t0.last_recipe_hint AS last_recipe_hint_11, t0.experience AS experience_12, t0.shadow_ban_until AS shadow_ban_until_13, t0.shinies AS shinies_14, t0.game_token2 AS game_token2_15, t0.active_wallet_id AS active_wallet_id_16, t0.catchable_queue_id AS catchable_queue_id_17, t0.act_progression_id AS act_progression_id_18, t0.theta_drop_wallet_id AS theta_drop_wallet_id_19 FROM user t0 WHERE t0.id = ? LIMIT 1
0.79 ms (2.69%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2, t0.series AS series_3, t0.image_url AS image_url_4, t0.created_date AS created_date_5, t0.background_folder AS background_folder_6, t0.border_folder AS border_folder_7 FROM nft_collection t0 WHERE t0.id IN (?)
0.73 ms (2.49%) |
1 |
SELECT p0_.id AS id_0, p0_.required_exp AS required_exp_1, p0_.title AS title_2, p0_.perks AS perks_3 FROM player_rank p0_ WHERE p0_.required_exp <= ? ORDER BY p0_.required_exp DESC LIMIT 1
0.70 ms (2.40%) |
1 |
SELECT t0.id AS id_1, t0.name AS name_2 FROM game t0 WHERE t0.id = ? LIMIT 1
Database Connections
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.dbal.default_connection |
Entity Managers
Name | Service |
default | doctrine.orm.default_entity_manager |
Second Level Cache
Second Level Cache is not enabled.
Entities Mapping
Class | Mapping errors |
App\Entity\User | No errors. |
App\Entity\ThetaWallet | No errors. |
App\Entity\CatchableQueue | No errors. |
App\Entity\ActProgression | No errors. |
App\Entity\InventoryEquipment | No errors. |
App\Entity\InventoryCatchable | No errors. |
App\Entity\UserGear | No errors. |
App\Entity\UserRecord | No errors. |
App\Entity\InventoryMaterial | No errors. |
App\Entity\SalvageQueue | No errors. |
App\Entity\ShopItemPurchases | No errors. |
App\Entity\Recipe | No errors. |
App\Entity\Game | No errors. |
App\Entity\Template | No errors. |
App\Entity\Quest | No errors. |
App\Entity\TemplateCategory | No errors. |
App\Entity\NftMetadata | No errors. |
App\Entity\NftCollection | No errors. |
App\Entity\NftMetadataQuest | No errors. |
App\Entity\SchoolOfMagic | No errors. |
App\Entity\NftHub | No errors. |
App\Entity\NftContract | No errors. |
App\Entity\CrateActionLog | No errors. |
App\Entity\NftTransfer | No errors. |
App\Entity\MarketItem | No errors. |
App\Entity\MarketOffer | No errors. |
App\Entity\TemplateGenus | No errors. |
App\Entity\Zone | No errors. |
App\Entity\TemplateMaterialProbability | No errors. |
App\Entity\WithdrawalLog | No errors. |
App\Entity\PlayerRank | No errors. |